Massoth PC Module and service tool and Evo -S set up HELP!!!!!!


Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
United Kingdom
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I know my strap line says Professional Idiot, but this is getting beyond me.

I have tried to set up the Massoth PC module and service tool onto the computer, without any success, the light is on but no one is at home as it were.

Unless I am totally thick the printed instructions are as much use as a chocolate tea pot.

It should pop up and open the fie and Robert is your dads brother, but sod all, and I have tried it on the desk top and lap top, if i had hair I would be tearing it out by now.

I can open the service tool select what i want to update hit go it then whistles and then file error.

This may be the biggest piece of shite I have bought, yep I am that frustrated.


A gentleman, a scholar, and a railway modeller....
26 Oct 2009
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I found it difficult to understand too but I somehow muddled my way through it and got it working.

I couldn't get it to work on Mizzy's lappy, so I used my own more modern one, with a newer OS.

I believe you brought it from P&S, so it might be worth giving Paul a ring so he can talk you through it.

Once you get the hang of it though, you can change CVs and loco addresses, although IMO, it's not as easy to use as the MTS PC software....

The Shed

Citizen of the Republic of the North East.
8 Mar 2020
Darlington, County Durham.
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PM sent...................


Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
United Kingdom
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Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
United Kingdom
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A sort of progress to report, after I got a bit more frustrated, I was too peeved to do tea, so went out to the chippy for tea.

Whilst I was away HTO had another, well several goes, and we have success of sorts.

So much so that after tea I managed to upgrade both Navigators so they are singing form the same software 2.0., and for good measure the receiver is also upgraded.
Carn't do the 1200Z but its on 2.65, which may be the highest it can go.

I may see how things progress tomorrow, I have a point module to try out, may even try to read loco's as well.

The Shed

Citizen of the Republic of the North East.
8 Mar 2020
Darlington, County Durham.
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Carn't do the 1200Z but its on 2.65, which may be the highest it can go.
Correct 2.65 is the latest version.

There has been an update to Massoth Service Tool Program as of the 15/02/24, the EVO-S and EVO-X decoder templates have been corrected.

New picture database files for the both the PIKO and Massoth Navi's for 2024 are also included.

Vast majority of the remainder are to deal with updates for the 2.4 equipment.


Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
United Kingdom
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I was wondering about the Evo-S as that is on the list to do as well, change number and set up to be run through and then re set for the passing loop.


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15 Feb 2015
McLean Virginia
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A sort of progress to report, after I got a bit more frustrated, I was too peeved to do tea, so went out to the chippy for tea.

Whilst I was away HTO had another, well several goes, and we have success of sorts.

So much so that after tea I managed to upgrade both Navigators so they are singing form the same software 2.0., and for good measure the receiver is also upgraded.
Carn't do the 1200Z but its on 2.65, which may be the highest it can go.

I may see how things progress tomorrow, I have a point module to try out, may even try to read loco's as well.
The challenge to getting any of the PC Interface Programming Modules to work, such as the Massoth, ESU, and Phoenix, is usually the generic COMM Port connection within your PC. If it doesn't then your PC needs an updated Driver. You're newer Windows PC probably has it since you were able to use the MTS.

John Russo

24 Sep 2015
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I do recall having initial trouble setting up but once I got it going it works fine.

I now use the tool regularly with no difficulty.

I was unable to ascertain your precise issue with it from your original post.

Can you describe the hardware and physical connections you are using?


Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
United Kingdom
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Right issues solved sort of, I managed to update the navigator and receiver software, after getting it to register to a comm port on the desktop computer.

So so far so good, now post 6 on here informs me that there is an upgrade/updated version of the service tool to be had re Evo-S point motors which i can not access.:(

Burried somewhere on Massoth's web site, via another previous forum post is Massoth Service Tool – Massoth Elektronik GmbH which if is still current informs me that I have to supply them with the serial number of my PC module.
which by luck has Paul of P&S Hobbies has written on the card that comes with the instructions, because It's not on the outside of the module, so they can send me a link to update the bloody service tool.:banghead::swear:

I have spent hours trawling through the MST/the web trying to find Evo-s settings thinking I am doing something wrong, but as my version is not up to date how can I.:fubar:

Seriously whilst I do like Massoth products, this has dented my confidence in further products from their range.

Now if my Evo-s can not be set up to run through and then spring back as the advertising video suggest, as I would like them to do, then I don't want to know.
Because all I have been able to do unlock them and change the switch address.

If you have not guessed it I am well and truly peeved now.


24 Oct 2009
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The serial number of the PC module or the Digital Central is on a sticker on the device itself. No need to write anything down.

If you don't have a template, you can program the CVs individually by selecting the following in the MST software:
"Decoder CV Values" -> Manufacturer="Individuell | Individual" -> Decoder templates="Decoder CV1-256"

Consult the manual and change one CV at the time.


Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
United Kingdom
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I don't wish to be disrespectful, but does that not defeat the purpose of the exercise.


Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
United Kingdom
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John I will give this a go sometime today probably.

If I overwrite the MST pen drive with gibberish then so be it, I can always do the thing the old fashioned way apparentley.

Ah well another wasted effort not to mention the gelt as well.


Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
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Right success, updated the MST.

I can access/read the CV values of the Evo-S point motors.:)

However whilst I have changed them to Nos 98/99 (No I don't have that may points.) as I want them (The passing loop points.) to be semi automatic and will allocate them to the 99-90 grouping for the planned passing loops,
working backwards from furthest loop. The next loop will be 96/97 and so on, with three planned loops and one virtual one, which is the phase I running line loop.

This is where I am falling down, as I can switch them either way, but I want them to be able to be run through and then auto return to set positions one left, one right.:(

Can tweek them switch and then return with the Navigator commands, but not be run through and return.:oops:
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Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
United Kingdom
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To sort of close this thread...

In spite of what that nice video suggests, Evo-S will not act like spring points, which is what I want them to do.

You need the Evo-X for that as they have CV 115 which may be the magic setting to allow it, but as the video I have seen (Not from Massoth BTW.) is in German I am taking a guess.

We don't appear to have any in the U.K., currently, or I am not searching in the right place, ah well I carn't afford them ATM anyway, it will just have to wait.

The Shed

Citizen of the Republic of the North East.
8 Mar 2020
Darlington, County Durham.
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In spite of what that nice video suggests, Evo-S will not act like spring points, which is what I want them to do.
Ah!, but with a bit of electronic skulduggery this scenario can be achieved i.e run through the points, and at a predefined set limit with a detector, that when activated will trigger the electronic wizardry which will return the point to its normal operating position!

It appears Heath Robinson and will require tidying up and presented in a more logical fashion, not likely for a few weeks, OO Gauge work takes priority for the present, coupled with, its our eldest Daughter's birthday this weekend and I've be directed by the Household Management that none of my Junk is permitted to enter the household domain, (and I'd quite like to keep my meat and two veg intact!) plus the weather is turning for the worse, no chance of working on this outside......................

EVO-S run through.jpg

EVO-S return to normal after run through.jpg
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Professional Idiot
21 Nov 2013
United Kingdom
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That looks interesting, didn't notice that in the Massoth video.;)